We accidentally sold our house really fast (who knew?) forcing us to move 4 cars, two college students, one teenager, and a dog, from three thousand square feet into a 1500 sq ft apartment for 4 months. But strangely enough, it's been a fun summer! Being a compulsive organizer with an online business, the real challenge was finding space for my vintage STUFF, while keeping our smaller living space uncluttered. So, my work just became the decor, featured here.
Monday, August 15, 2011
I am thrilled to be a part of the Poppytalk Market this month! Click the avatar to stop by my table and others at this wonderful marketplace.
I loved digging around my mom's jewelry box, and the little dresser drawers that held her girly treasures! Guess some things never change~ here are some offerings from my most recent "playtime." Click the photo if you'd like to see details :)
I'm a mom of 3 teens, wife of one husband, former teacher, retreat speaker, and youth leader, present collage artist having fun with vintage papers, antiques, mixed media, and sophisticated sarcasm!
Check out my shop sometime-