Thursday, August 27, 2009

Late Summer Cottage

When you think of cottages "New Jersey" isn't exactly the first place that comes to mind! But historic Hopewell NJ is home to one of my favorite cottages, my sister-in-law Amy's home. And even though it's home to one patient husband, 6 kids, a zoo of cats and a dog (!) it nonetheless remains lovely and charming, and, as seen by these interior shots, rather peaceful. (The journal and clipboard were inspired by Amy's house, and the outdoor pics were taken on Cape Cod- more to come on that)

Monday, August 10, 2009

Vintage on

In the middle of my PVDD sufferings this morning (Post Vacation Distress Disorder) I was so excited to see my little vintage paper doll dress collage on etsy's front page! Drop in on etsy sometime and browse through their vintage offerings. Just go to's home page, and click the Vintage catagory located on the lower left side. It's quite fun!