Wednesday, October 15, 2008

About Vintage

Everyone has at least one box in their attic filled with bits of history. Antique papers that don't rate a $300 shadow box, but cannot be thrown away either- your grandmother's recipe clippings and report card, your great aunt's favorite magazine ads and postcards. They are a former part of everyday life and they are falling apart in your hands- what to do with them? That's my passion: bringing forgotten bits of history back into daily life via hand collaged art, journals, clipboards, and cards.
Go in your attic, open the boxes, and bring your family's memories back to life!
(See ideas at


Mandy said...

I love coming across pieces of my family's history! What great ideas you have to bring them back to life. Congrats on the blog.

Unknown said...

I love old photos and memorabilia...its wonderful to do something special with them ;)

congrats on the new blog!!

Ouissi x said...

Thanks for being my first posts!

Unknown said...

I agree why let special items get dusty or never seen.

Wonderful stuff you have!!

Zuda Gay Pease said...

Welcome to the bloggy world, Meg!! Well done!