Old yearbooks are very collectible, and so usually pretty pricy, but not if you can find one that's falling apart. Use the images (usually hilarious!) to make cards, banners, cupcake toppers, and scrapbook embellishments, something I started doing last year since my firstborn was graduating. So go dig through the junky antique store boxes and shelves and see what you can find. (Or you can just buy mine! VintageScraps.etsy.com) That's my "little" girl on the left. She's just finishing her fist year at UNC, and since they won the national championship and all, we feel like we got our money's worth!
Here are some great etsy.com finds that offer custom options, because don't you just love when it's all about you? Er, I mean, so you can get something personalized for your mom! And if you're looking for something with a more vintage feel, consider the lower grid, and let me know if you need specific info on any of the items. Otherwise, enjoy looking!
One of my favorite finds ever was a 1890's scrapbook filled with advertising art! So I copied some of the fragile images to use in making collage Mother's Day Cards. They are pictured here, along with a 1940's cereal ad card, and a journal crafted from The Farmer's Wife graphic. Very fun for a mom!
Time consuming but worth it, give new life to a falling apart book by using its pages in a hand rolled wreath! Remove the pages- easy if the spine is missing or broken, roll and secure with tape or glue, and fasten the pages to a circle of heavy cardstock or card board. This one was made from a children's book and 1950's UNC dorm directory pages, and was featured on etsy.com's front page, which was very exciting :)
I'm a mom of 3 teens, wife of one husband, former teacher, retreat speaker, and youth leader, present collage artist having fun with vintage papers, antiques, mixed media, and sophisticated sarcasm!
Check out my shop sometime-