Friday, December 18, 2009

Merry Merry Vintage Christmas

Little Christmas treasures bring a simple, festive look to the home for Christmas. Hope yours is blessed! "For unto us a child has been born."


Chickens in the Basement said...

Love your pink dresser or vanity and your chippy paint table and your use of vintage bowls. Have a wonderful Christmas!

Tina said...

such beautiful vignettes - I would love to do some in my home but I have a nosey 2 year old and well all things pretty would be ruined. Maybe one your music sheet wreaths in your banner - would love to make one.

Happy Holidays

Unknown said...

Love your holiday decor. Especially that Wysoki Teleflora Bowl. Hang on to that one.

Diane Mars said...

I just LOVE that little PINK Babies Dresser Darling (: